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Special Track on
Academic Globalization and Inter-Cultural Communication: AGIC 2024©
in the context of
The 15th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2024©
March 26 - 29, 2024  ~  Virtual Conference
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Registered authors can download their conference materials (receipt, certificate, and Proceedings) by clicking here. ***

  Plenary Keynote Addresses Program

Plenary Keynote Addresses Program
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Utilization of Artificial Intelligence by Students in Interdisciplinary Field of Biomedical Engineering
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 / 8:00 AM - 8:40 AM
Professor Shigehiro Hashimoto, Japan
Professor of Kogakuin University (Former Councilor and Former Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Former Associate to the President), Former President of the Society of Life Support Engineering Japan, Doctor of Engineering and Doctor of Medicine, Research Area: Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Shigehiro Hashimoto now is a professor of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. He got his Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Physics (1979), and Master of Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology (1981), Tokyo, Doctor of Medicine at Kitasato University (1987), Sagamihara, and Doctor of Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology (1990), Tokyo. He was Research Associate in School of Medicine (1981-1989), and Assistant Professor in School of Medicine (1989 -1994), at Kitasato University, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics (1994- 2001), and Professor at Osaka Institute of Technology (2001-2011). He also was the Creator of the first Department of Biomedical Engineering in Japan at Osaka Institute of Technology (2005) and Director of its Medical Engineering Research Center (2005-2011). He was Associate to President and Dean of Admissions Center (2012-2018), Dean, Faculty of Engineering (2019-2021) at Kogakuin University, Tokyo. He experienced internship in Research Center for Artificial Heart in Free University in Berlin (1977). He is the author of the books of “Polydimethylsiloxane, Structure and Applications (2020)”, “Introduction to Biosystems Engineering (1996)”, “Introduction to Bio-measurement Engineering (2000)”, and “Introduction to Biomechanical Engineering (2013)”. His present researches focus on bio-cellular mechanics using micro-machined flow channel. His present researches focus on bio-cellular mechanics using micro-machined flow channel.,


Students were encouraged to actively use artificial intelligence (AI) in learning and research in the field of biomedical engineering. In this study, student reports in class and the results of student research projects were analyzed. An issue with AI that was often discussed among students was the handling of copyright. In students' graduation research, AI was often used to search for technical terms and references. AI was used to list related technologies and check the feasibility of their ideas. AI was effective for self-learning. Particularly in interdisciplinary fields that require extensive basic knowledge, AI has demonstrated its power in self-learning specialized terminology. It was found that AI can be helpful for students in developing research topics and writing papers.

Fingerprint Analysis System Using Level 3 Features and AI Methods
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 / 8:40 AM - 9:20 AM
Professor Menachem Domb, Israel
Ashkelon Academy College, Computer Science Department.

Professor Menachem Domb is currently the head of the Computer Science Department of the Ashkelon Academy College. He graduated from Technion in Israel with a DSc in Operations Research Engineering. He holds an MSc from New York University (NYU) Currant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, an MA in Computer Science from Queens College NY, and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University. Post-doctorate done at Washington University in St. Louis. He has over 30 years of academic research in Cyber Security, Data Networks, and IoT. In parallel, he worked in the IT industry for over 35 years. He has experience in various technical and executive positions in large international IT companies in the Telecom, Health, Security, Finance, and Government domains.

His research areas include. Also, Access control technologies, Security using Biometrics, Telecom and networks, secured key distribution through optical communications and inter-device hand-held video transmission, Moreover, Professor Menachem Domb's profile on Google Scholar indicates a significant number of citations for his work, highlighting the impact and recognition he has received in the academic community.


Reliable personal authentication has become an important issue in an increasingly digital world. Fingerprint recognition aggregates unique patterns found within the finger ridges. The de-facto accepted tool has pattern recognition methods based on probability, similarity metrics, and minutiae graphs. Minutiae-based systems rely on finding correspondences between the Minutiae presented in two fingerprint images. These systems typically perform well for high-quality fingerprint images and enough surface area on the fingerprint. However, in practice, the collected fingerprints may need to be completed, missing the minimum needed features, and vulnerable to falsifications. Therefore, more characteristics other than elemental fingerprints are required. Sweat pores on fingertips are permanent, immutable, and unique. Advanced fingerprint readers provide the finger sweat-pore details and minutia features, greatly increasing the number of fingerprint features and thus improving fingerprint analysis. This work proposes a new digitized sweat pores-based fingerprint-matching system. Experiments show accurate results and can also cope with partial and damaged fingerprints taken from different angles and distances, identify liveliness, and verify fingerprint authentication. This work is part of a comprehensive multimodal authentication system involving encoding hyperspectral images and constructing adjustable 3D images.

Human Complexity vs. Machine Linearity: A Tug-of-War between Two Realities That Coexist in Precarious Balance
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 / 9:20 AM - 10:00 AM
Dr. Paolo Barile, France
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Ph.D. Student in Computer Science.

Paolo Barile, Ph.D.(s), received his master's degree in nanotechnology engineering in 2022, after which he decided to redirect his studies toward computer science in an effort to keep up with the times characterized by the development of AI and the advent of information technology in our daily lives. His natural inclination for multidisciplinary learning has allowed him to tackle different topics within the scope of his work and participate in several funded research projects.

The main topic of his research is aimed at studying the social, relational, and decision-making dynamics of human beings through machine learning and AI. More specifically, his area of interest is related to emotion detection and facial emotion recognition as a means to study "consonance," the empathic connection that is generated in human interactions based on the strong beliefs of each of the interlocutors.

Among the funded research projects completed is the "Dicotomia" project, in which the research he conducted on emotion detection was used to create a device capable of automatically detecting consonance in different social contexts (university lectures, meetings, co-working), through the use of a camera system and a deep learning algorithm capable of analysing the collected images.


Are machines smarter than humans? What will happen of our species if (when) AI becomes so advanced that it can no longer be controlled? Is the uniqueness of human beings at risk?

These are just some of the questions that grip computer science experts as much as ordinary people who experience technological development day in and day out.

If a computer is able to do better (and in less time) whatever man can think of and/or accomplish, then the scenario is really as tragic as it portends: humankind will be relegated to the role of a mere inhabitant of a world ruled by a superior intelligence.

The truth is very different (and the future much rosier): although AI is in some ways undoubtedly more "intelligent" than human beings, the complexity that distinguishes us means that the machine's highest aspiration can only come down to the sheer emulation of our behavior and thinking. The linear operation of machines will always remain in the service of the complex human mind, never vice versa.

The story of Frankenstein's monster teaches us that sometimes the creator can lose control of his creature, but this is (perhaps) not the case.

To AI Is Human: How AI Tools with Their Imperfections Enhance Learning
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 / 1:00 PM - 1:40 PM
Dr. Martin Cwiakala, USA
Center for Advanced Technical Studies, Aerospace Engineering.

Dr. Martin Cwiakala (pronounced: ‘Sha-kola’) earned his undergraduate and Doctoral degrees from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. His professional experience includes working as a machine designer, project engineer, engineering manager, software designer, and consultant. Cwiakala taught “Computer Aided Design” at Rutgers University and coauthored the textbook, “Introduction to Programming for Engineers.” In 2002, he made a career change and taught at W. J. Keenan High School in Columbia, SC. There, he coached the award-winning Robo-Raiders, Keenan’s FIRST Robotics team. In 2012, he transferred to the “Center for Advanced Technical Studies” in the Lexington Richland 5 District, where he currently teaches. He states, “Teaching high school has been the best part of his engineering career.” He currently teaches Project Lead The Way courses: Introduction to Engineering (IED), Principles of Engineering (POE), Aerospace Engineering (AE), and Engineering Design and Development (EDD). He also coaches the InvenTeam, an after-school organization that competes in multiple engineering competitions, which include TSA, Theta Tau Pumpkin Chunkin’ at USC, and The American Rocketry Challenge. He is a National Association of Rocketry (NAR) education committee member. He is Level 2 High Power Rocketry Certified and is active in bringing rocketry to teachers and students. He is a proponent of AI in education.


The education community's sentiment regarding artificial intelligence (AI) is divided. Many see it as a means to cheat and prevent students from developing their intellectual abilities because it is generative and can provide results for many domains. Just as some had predicted that paper use would go down when computers were created, the opposite occurred. AI in the classroom, when utilized effectively, promotes critical thinking and not cheating. New technology can shock and awe those who see it for the first time. Upon closer investigation, the actual capabilities are revealed. While large language models can quickly create reports from very little information, we must examine their ability to create reports about specific topics we desire. Any large language model in use has a statement that it can make mistakes. Students will grow by learning how to prompt AI tools to provide meaningful results and validate those results. Knowing when it is appropriate to use an AI tool and reflecting on the consequences of results being wrong brings a student to a higher level of awareness. Performing these tasks concerning AI results also brings the user into the consciousness of their fallibility.

Emerging Technologies for Smart Agriculture
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 / 1:40 PM - 2:20 PM
Professor Mohammad Ilyas, USA
Florida Atlantic University, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Former Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, Member of Global Engineering Deans Council.

Dr. Mohammad Ilyas has been with Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science since 1983. He has served there in various academic and administrative capacities, including Dean of the College from 2011 to 2017.

He has earned four academic degrees from four different countries; BSc in Electrical Engineering from Pakistan, MS in Electrical Engineering from Iran, PhD in Electrical Engineering from Canada, and PhD in Educational Leadership from USA.

Dr. Ilyas has over 235 publications, including one book, 26 handbooks, and over 210 research articles. He is life senior member of IEEE, Fellow of IIIS, member of Global Engineering Deans Council, and was on Fulbright Specialist list from 2017-2020.


According to the United Nations studies, the world population is expected to be 10 billion by 2050 (up from 2.5 billion in 1950). This represents a remarkable increase of 7.5 billion in the world population in a short span of 100 years. Clearly, the demand for food for the world population will grow and the food supply will have to be increased accordingly to meet this enormous challenge. At the same time, the agricultural land is shrinking and almost 70% of the world population is expected to move to cities. Emerging technologies such as Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence are expected to help in developing smart agricultural processes to grow crops with better yield, better quality, and healthier in nature. These technologies are also expected to help in managing the livestock in agricultural settings in an effective and efficient manner. This presentation will focus on the agricultural use of the emerging technologies to meet the increased demand for feeding the growing world population.

Transdisciplinary Applications of Data Visualization and Mining Techniques as Representatively Used for Human Diseases and Plant Pathology
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 / 2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Professor Richard Segall, USA
Arkansas State University, Department of Information Systems & Business Analytics (ISBA), Neil Griffin College of Business.

Dr. Richard S. Segall is Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, AR where he also taught for ten years in the College of Engineering & Computer Science Master of Engineering Management (MEM) Program and is Affiliated Faculty of the Environmental Sciences Program and Center for No-Boundary Thinking (CNBT). He is also Affiliated Faculty at University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) where he serves on thesis committees. He has previously served on the faculty of Texas Tech University, University of Louisville, University of New Hampshire, University of Massachusetts-Lowell, and West Virginia University. His publications have appeared in journals including International Journal of Fog Computing (IJFC), International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSP), International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM), International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (IJIDS), Applied Mathematical Modelling (AMM), Kybernetes: TheInternational Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences, Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS) and Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI).

He has book chapters in Research Anthology on Privatizing and Securing Data, Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Handbook of Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing and Production Management, Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies, Encyclopedia of Information Science & Technology, and Encyclopedia of Business Analytics & Optimization. He has edited 5 published books: Biomedical and Business Applications using Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning published by IGI Global in 2022, Open Source Software for Statistical Analysis of Big Data published by IGI Global in 2020, Handbook of Big Data Storage and Visualization Techniques (2 volumes) published by IGI Global in 2018, Research and Applications in Global Supercomputing published by IGI Global in 2015, and Visual Analytics and Interactive Technologies: Data, Text and Web Mining Applications published by IGI Global in 2011.

He was a member of the Arkansas Center for Plant-Powered-Production (P3) from 2008 to 2016, and is currently on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (IJDMMM) and International Journal of Data Science (IJDS), and served as Local Arrangements Chair of the 2010 MidSouth Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS) Conference. His research interests include data mining, text mining, web mining, database management, Big Data, and mathematical modeling. His research has been funded by National Research Council (NRC), U.S. Air Force (USAF), National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), Arkansas Biosciences Institute (ABI), and Arkansas Science & Technology Authority (ASTA).

He is recipient of Session Best Paper awards at the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2016 World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI) Conferences, and Faculty Awards for Excellence in Research in 2015 and 2019 by Neil Griffin College of Business and University Award for Scholarship (Research) in 2020 at Arkansas State University.


Data visualization and data mining are transdisciplinary tools for predictive and descriptive analytics. This presentation shows the abundance of data visualization tools currently available that are applicable for multi-disciplinary data and some examples of visualization outputs as applied to multi-disciplines.

Results of applying the most commonly used data visualization tools of Tableau and PowerBI* are presented with preliminary results of a funded seed money grant for applying to data for transmissible diseases for humans and also plant pathology. Future directions of using other data mining and visualization methods such as image processing techniques are also discussed for applications to data for plant pathology and human diseases.

* Power BI Power BI (Business Intelligence) is a suite of business analytics tools developed by Microsoft. It empowers users to visualize and analyze data, share insights across an organization, or embed them in an app or website. Power BI is designed to be user-friendly while offering powerful features for data preparation, analysis, and reporting. Here are key components and features of Power BI: is widely used across various industries for business reporting, data analysis, and decision-making. It has become a popular choice for organizations seeking effective business intelligence and analytics solutions.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Navigating the Digital Age: The Crucial Role of Ethics for Youth in the AI Era
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 / 8:00 AM - 8:40 AM
Dr. Areej ElSayary, United Arab Emirates
Zayed University.

Dr. Areej ElSayary completed her Ph.D. in Educational Management, Leadership and Policy. Her master’s degree was in Science Education with specialization in STEM education, The British University in Dubai. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the College of Education at Zayed University. She has 13 years’ experience, with specific expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM), curriculum design and development, teaching and learning, assessment, and schools accreditation. Prior to joining Zayed University, she was working as a curriculum advisor at the Al Arabia for Education Company leading the curricula implementation in Al Ittihad schools across UAE. She was also an Adjunct Faculty at the American University in Emirates with focus on the evaluation of different educational programs.

Dr Areej is an Approved Accreditation Visitor from New England Association of School and Colleges NEASC & Council of International School CIS. Her research interests include the cognitive development, Interdisciplinary STE(A)M curriculum, instructional design and educational technology. She has published her work internationally and has presented papers at different conferences. She has an active research agenda and collaborates internationally on creative research projects.


In the AI Era, the digital landscape has become a pivotal aspect of daily life, especially for the younger generation. As they navigate through the vast expanses of cyberspace, understanding the implications of digital ethics has never been more crucial. This keynote presentation aims to delve into the core of digital ethics and its paramount importance for young people today, highlighting the complex relationship between cyber psychology, cyber behavior, and ethical considerations in the age of artificial intelligence.

Cyberspace, a boundless digital universe, offers immense opportunities for learning, communication, and creativity. However, it also presents unique challenges and ethical dilemmas. From the dissemination of personal information to the impact of AI-generated content, young individuals are often at the forefront of navigating these complex digital landscapes. This presentation will explore how the principles of digital ethics can equip the younger generation with the necessary tools to make informed decisions and engage in responsible cyber behavior. Cyber psychology, the study of the human mind and behavior in the context of human-technology interaction, provides valuable insights into how digital environments influence cognition, emotions, and social interactions. Understanding these psychological underpinnings is essential for fostering a healthy relationship with technology. We will discuss the psychological effects of prolonged exposure to digital environments and the importance of digital ethics in mitigating potential harms. Cyber behavior, encompassing the spectrum of actions performed in digital contexts, is deeply influenced by ethical considerations. Ethical dilemmas in cyberspace, such as privacy concerns, digital footprint management, and online harassment, require a solid ethical foundation to navigate. This presentation will address the critical role of digital ethics in shaping young people's online behavior, promoting positive interactions, and protecting against cyberbullying and other digital risks. The Integration of AI with daily life has emphasized the need for digital ethics. AI technologies, while offering unprecedented conveniences and efficiencies, also raise significant ethical questions related to autonomy, fairness, and privacy. Young people, as digital natives, are particularly susceptible to the influences of AI, making it imperative to instill an understanding of digital ethics to ensure these technologies are used responsibly and for the betterment of society.

Through real-world examples, case studies, and interactive discussions, this presentation will emphasize the importance of digital ethics education for young people. We will explore strategies for integrating digital ethics into educational curricula and fostering a culture of ethical awareness and critical thinking in the digital age. In conclusion, as we navigate the complexities of the AI Era, the cultivation of digital ethics among the younger generation is not just beneficial but essential. By understanding cyber psychology and practicing ethical cyber behavior, young individuals can become responsible digital citizens, capable of contributing positively to the digital world. This presentation aims to spark a dialogue on the importance of digital ethics, inspiring educators, policymakers, and the youth themselves to prioritize ethical considerations in their digital endeavors.

Inter-Disciplinary Dialogue on Transdisciplinary Communication
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 / 8:40 AM - 9:20 AM
Dr. Nagib Callaos, USA
President of the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics: IIIS.

Dr. Nagib Callaos earned his Ph.D. in Operations Research (Mathematical Optimization) at The University of Texas at Austin. In his doctoral dissertation, he presented A Mathematical Solution to The Voter (or Condorcet) Paradox, which by then has 160 years with no solution, and showed the internal contradictions of the axioms used by Nobel Laureate to “prove” his famous Impossibility Theorem that announces the impossibility to solve the Voter Paradox.

Dr. Callaos earned his Electrical Engineering Degree at the Central University of Venezuela, and his Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering (in Electronics) at The University of Texas at Austin, and received, for 4 years, full-time formal courses in Philosophy, in his post-doctorate studies.

Dr. Callaos is the founding president of the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) and the founding president of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (JSCI). He is the former Dean of Research and Development of the University Simon Bolivar and was the founding president of several organizations on research, development, and technological innovation, e.g. The Foundation of Research and Development of the University Simon Bolivar, the founding president of the Venezuelan Fund for Technological Innovations (created by presidential decree), The founding president of the Venezuelan Association of Executives in Patents and Copyrights, etc. His main research and professional activities were in the area of Systemic Methodologies of Information System Development, Group Decision Support Systems, and Action-Research, mainly via Operations Research. He tutored more than 100 undergraduate and graduate theses and produced more than 100 research papers and reflection articles.


This is the first dialogue of a cycle of dialogues and potential subsequent publications related to interdisciplinary dialogues on transdisciplinary concepts, notions, or topics. Consequently, we have decided to focus, in this dialogue. on the notion of “Transdisciplinary Communication,” especially because its meaning intersects with other different notions such as Transdisciplinarity, which is an academic and research field, Inter- and Cross-Disciplinary Communication, transdisciplinary research, etc.

Hopefully, the output of this dialogue will provide input for subsequent dialogues and publications. Participants in this dialogue will have the option of writing either 1) a comment, which will be addressed in an article to be written after the conference is over; or 2) an abstract of a potential article based on this dialogue. This may be important due to the different connotations that the phrase “Transdisciplinary Communication” seems to have, as well as the semantic intersections and relationships that this notion has with other notions.

We are using the Etymological Sense of the adjective “transdisciplinary”, i.e., “across” and/or “beyond” disciplines. A very short article (580 words) of four authors and  three subscribers (from more than ten  different disciplines) regarding this meaning has been posted at:

Knowledge/ Learning/ Transdisciplinary Communication - In the Evolution of the Contemporary World
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 / 9:20 AM - 10:00 AM
Professor Giorgio Pizziolo, Canada/Italy
IIAS International Institute for Advanced Studies in System Research and Cybernetics in Ontario / GRASP the future, Groups of Action Research for Solidarity and Participation.

Professor Giorgio Pizziolo Former Full Professor of Analysis and Territorial Planning until 2010. Since 2002, Professor at IIAS International Institute for Advanced Studies in System Research and Cybernetics in Ontario, Canada.

During his teaching career (Full Professor in Florence, Analysis and Territorial Planning, Faculty of Architecture 1974-2010), he has developed territorial and landscape innovations for many years, conducting intensive experimental activities with studies, projects, and research at the local, national, and international level. He is Member of the Scientific Committee of the Center for Studies on Collective Futures (at the University of Trento).
Professor Rita Micarelli, Italy
GRASP the future, Groups of Action Research for Solidarity and Participation.

Arq. Rita Micarelli is Former adjunct professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan (1997-2010) in Social Ecology and Architectural Technology, researcher in interdisciplinary knowledge, expert in social and educational learning processes related to micro-experiential activities practiced in the landscapes/environments of belonging of different communities and social groups.

Rita Micarelli and Giorgio Pizziolo have collaborated on numerous Research-Actions, focused on practices of Social Ecology and participation/belonging to living environments - Landscapes in relation to the UNESCO MAB (Man and Biosphere) Project and the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. They have contributed as experts to seminars and scientific meetings at the Council of Europe with numerous publications (

Professors at IIAS International Institute for Advanced Studies in System Research and Cybernetics in Ontario, Canada (President Prof. George Lasker).

They have developed projects that promote the relationship between communities and places, elaborating procedures and participatory experiments for the development and management of living environments (urban, rural, from the micro-local scale to the large-scale area).

All these activities have evolved into collaborative projects, leading towards the recognition and establishment of various types of Common Goods, all self-managed by Contemporary Communities. Often, they have also given rise to innovative territorial and economic management approaches, such as River Contracts and Landscape Contracts, plans in the form of "Slow planning," forms of "Participatory Governance," and even participatory experiential "landscape projects." These experiments have recently extended to collaborations with alternative social practices (urban and rural) that diverge from global exploitation (of cities, food, living environments... and people, especially the youth), within an ongoing production... The scientific and experiential activities have been presented, discussed, and published through Workshops, Symposia, and international and national Conferences, particularly at the annual IIAS meetings in Baden Baden and biennial Cognitonics conferences at the University of Ljubljana.(diredted by prof.Wladimir Fomichov and Olga Fomichova (Moscow).


Our contribution to the Conference relates the transformations of Living Environments and the crises that occur in them at each of their steps (transitions) related to Nature Ecosystems and Man/Society/Environment Ternary Ecosystems, all of which are 'disordered and complex' and are capable of self-producing their own evolutionary transformations. In general, in the becoming of the contemporary world, the crises that all these ecosystems have so far faced have been 'overcome' in the indissoluble Nature/Culture/Experience/Information interweaving, in which Ecosystems have been transformed by producing ever new modes of Knowledge, towards ever broader complexities and evolutionary horizons. Today, the crises that have affected all Ecosystems on the planet are in danger of degenerating and turning into real evolutionary crises, which strike at the root of the dynamics proper to living beings and the entire Biosphere, to replace them with "technological and informational mechanics" suppressing their capacity for self-production of Knowledge and self-control of their own becoming. The Evolutionary Crisis is now an overall System Crisis and a Crisis of Knowledge that could be overcome by rediscovering dynamics, interactions and communications between Nature/Culture/Information/Experience appropriate to the Digital Reality that pervades the contemporary world. Below we describe the origin of this Crisis, its frenetic development, and possible ways to cope with it by escaping the now looming retroactive vortex (like black holes) by referring to Knowledge, Experience, and Communication which can now integrate into an unprecedented ecosystem entanglement toward a renewed Evolutionary Dynamic.

Charting the Course: Navigating the Waters of Digital Information with Critical Media Literacy
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 / 1:00 PM - 1:40 PM
Professor Birgit Oberer, Austria
ETCOP Institute for Interdisciplinary Research.

Prior to her current position, Dr. Birgit Oberer served as a professor at universities in the USA, Singapore, and Turkey, worked as a visiting professor in different countries and taught at Austrian Higher Education institutions. Dr. Oberer is currently a professor of computer science at the Education Directorate of Carinthia in Austria. She received her habilitation in Management Information Systems in 2015 and is accredited as an International Engineering Educator by the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP). Dr. Oberer serves as a Coordinator at ETCOP and is Learning App Evaluator for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. She actively contributes to the academic community through various roles such as keynote and invited speaker, track and session chair, and scientific committee member for reputable journals and conferences, has received multiple teaching excellence awards and serves as the co-editor of the EBM book series.
Professor Alptekin Erkollar, Austria
ETCOP Institute for Interdisciplinary Research.

Dr. Alptekin Erkollar, Chairman of the Board of Directors at ETCOP, is a professor of Management Information Systems with over 30 years of experience. He specializes in industry 4.0, education 5.0, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation. Dr. Erkollar has received numerous awards for his research and teaching and has published journal articles on his areas of expertise. Prof. Erkollar has taught and conducted research as a visiting professor at universities in the USA, Singapore, and other countries. Dr. Erkollar is an active member of professional organizations such as IGIP and the Horizon Europe Community Austria. He serves on editorial boards and conference committees and has given keynote speeches at numerous international conferences. Dr. Erkollar is the editor of the international ‘Enterprise and Business Management EBM’ book series. His passion for Management Information Systems continues to inspire the next generation of MIS professionals.


In the vast digital age, where information flows endlessly like an ocean, navigating the media landscape requires more than superficial understanding, it requires critical media literacy. This presentation embarks on a visionary voyage of exploration, equipping individuals with the essential skills needed to discern truth from misinformation, analyze sources, and make informed decisions amidst the swirling currents of digital information. Using the powerful metaphor of an ocean voyage, the program will explore the critical role of critical media literacy as a compass for navigating through deceptive calm and hidden dangers. Participants will learn how to recognize the misleading lighthouses of fake news and understand the undercurrents that shape perceptions, providing educators, students, and practitioners with a map for fostering a critically informed society. As the presentation traverses the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, it highlights innovative educational strategies and tools that empower individuals to become adept navigators. By fostering an environment where critical media literacy is both taught and valued, society equips itself and future generations to navigate the complexities of the digital world.

Fostering Effective Multidisciplinary Communication between AI Systems and Traditional Educational Frameworks
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 / 1:40 PM - 2:20 PM
Dr. Risa Blair, USA
Purdue University Global, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of General Education / Instructional Associates, Director of HR and Operations / University of Arkansas Grantham, Manager of Faculty Development.

Dr. Risa Blair has over 25 years in higher education, leadership, technology, and instructional design. She is a dynamic and passionate leader with a wealth of experience in business and higher education. She has a proven track record of success in leading global teams and developing engaging learning experiences for students of all ages. As a curriculum developer, educator, and global professor/trainer, Dr. Blair has dedicated herself to fostering relationships with colleagues and students around the world.

With a diverse educational background including a doctorate in Instructional Technology and Distance Education, as well as masters degrees in both Cybersecurity Management and Organizational Behavior, Dr. Blair brings a unique and comprehensive skill set to her work. She is also a competent job counselor, career consultant, and resume writer, helping individuals navigate their career paths with confidence and success.

In her current role as Manager of Faculty Development at the University of Arkansas Grantham, she participates in the onboarding, training, and development of faculty members. Dr. Blair thrives on speaking and presenting with a long list of presentations and publications on topics ranging from online education to cybersecurity and beyond.
Matthew Schigur, PMP, MPM, MISM, MBA, USA
University of Arkansas Grantham, Director of the College of Business, Management and Economics, and the MS Leadership program.

Matthew Schigur has 24 years of experience in higher education, holding positions in academics and academic administration. Some of the positions he has held are Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Visiting Professor, adjunct instructor, Chair, Faculty Chair – School of Business, Academic Affairs Specialists, Interim Campus Director, Associate Dean – College of Business, Management, and Economics, and most recently Director of the College of Business, Management, and Economics. Matthew is completing his Doctorate in Management and Marketing. Matthew also holds master’s degrees in business administration, project management, and information systems management. Additionally, he is a certified project management professional, academic coach, and advanced tutor. Matthew also has over 37 years of experience in consulting and marketing and digital marketing, entrepreneurship in business development, strategic management, information technology, business analytics, artificial intelligence, and project management for for-profit and non-profit clients.


The intersection of AI in education is at a pivotal moment characterized by a mix of challenges and opportunities, necessitating a collaborative effort between AI developers, educators, curriculum designers, and policymakers. This presentation aims to navigate the complexities of this integration, presenting strategies for successful communication and collaboration.

The initial focus is on the current state of AI integration in education, highlighting the numerous benefits it offers, such as personalized education, adaptive learning platforms, and real-time feedback. However, achieving successful integration requires robust communication channels between various stakeholders involved in the process. The presentation will explore the challenges hindering effective communication between AI experts and education professionals, drawing from real-world examples to underscore instances where misalignments in terminology, goals, and expectations have impeded collaborative efforts. Effective integration requires an ongoing dialogue among diverse stakeholders, aligning the development and implementation of AI technologies with the educational goals and values inherent in traditional systems. In particular, the critical role of professors in accepting AI for common tasks will be examined, along with strategies to engage educators, provide training, and showcase benefits to facilitate their buy-in.

The presentation also will explore the potential impact on professors who resist incorporating AI into their teaching practices. The risk of resistance lies in the erosion of competitiveness and relevance for educators who do not embrace technological advancements, potentially affecting their professional standing and the overall quality of education they provide. The consequences for educational institutions and faculty members that overlook or underestimate the need for ongoing learning and adaptation will also be discussed, emphasizing the importance of professional development programs in equipping educators with the skills to effectively engage with AI tools.

Ethical considerations are woven throughout the abstract, with a focus on transparency, accountability, and equity in AI's influence on educational settings. By promoting collaboration, advocating for professional development, and upholding ethical standards, the abstract envisions a harmonious integration of AI in education, revolutionizing learning experiences for students while honoring the values and expertise of traditional educational systems.

Towards Locating the Validatable Foundations of Life Themes - A Transdisciplinary Approach
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 / 2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Dr. Jeremy Horne, USA
President-Emeritus of the Southwest Area Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: AAAS.

He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Inventors Assistance League, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping independent inventors bring their creations to fruition. He is doing research and writing in the areas of Logic as the language of innate order in the universe, which is a 40-year project.

Dr. Horne taught many courses in political science and technology, delivered many presentations on the philosophy of scientific methods for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Quantum Mind conferences, has been reviewer for various journals about the structure and process in binary space, consciousness studies, systems, theory, and philosophy of science, and Documentation Systems Developer, for White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. His most recent publication consists of two chapters on the philosophy of binary logic and artificial minds in Research and Applications in Global Supercomputing, released by IGI Global Press in March 2015.

Dr. Jeremy Horne earned his Ph. D. in Philosophy at the University of Florida, Gainesville; His Master of Science in Political Science at New Haven, CT, and his Bachelor in Art in International Relations at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, He has been a member of the Phi Kappa Phi, National Academic Honor Society, and his name was included in several Who's Who directories.


Contextual Short Summary: Fractured personal identities contribute to conflict and corruption, underscoring the significance of comprehending identity, its expression, and societal context. Identity encompasses existence, fundamental values, and purpose, spanning from structured to arbitrary. Living identity involves virtues and ethics, molded by one's values. The Voris method[1], particularly the Authentic Life Theme Assessment (ALTA)[2], effectively links fundamental values with life themes, affirming an individual's existence, distinctiveness, purpose, and influence.

Most, if not all conflict and corruption originates from compromised or fractured personal identities with attendant consequents of alienation and insecurity. At issue are identity, itself, the way it is manifest and carried out, the social context within which such occurs, and communicating it essence both within the individual and to others.

Identity means one’s existence (an ontological question), and such “contains” or has the “property” of core values, i.e., what is meaningful, more focused, existential. Identity also pertains to purpose (teleology), the “distance between the ontology, itself to the end underpinned by “who am I” and “why”. Not only must the vehicle be described, but the metaphorical driver and the destination. Having an identity requires a reference frame, a hallmark of order. That reference frame locates the individual in the environment and shapes her/his interaction with it. One’s identity ranges from ordered (precision) to entropic (randomness). Expression of identity is arguably important as its integrity.

The way people live (internalize) identity is by strength, vigor, will, and excellence, that is (given the etymology), virtue. What they value motivates them. Their ethics, rules of conduct and standards for making decisions, stems from their ethos (what they value, the core), giving rise to their behavior, morals. Virtue ethics is what gives them the strength to live their values (bring them to fruition – live the code of conduct) characterizing the core.

Virtue ethic systems worldwide vary widely in scope and number, but four is a number appearing throughout history worldwide, some representatives of which are Aristotle’s four virtues - prudence, justice, temperance, and courage, Plato's four virtues: wise, courageous, moderate and just, the East Asian four puruṣārthas, and the Toltec Florentine Codex. These are some ways to live core values, or what is meaningful to us.

People not understanding what motivates them often turn to personality assessment instruments to locate their core, but they fail to explain the disjunct of their results with how they live life. A selected programme, the Voris method, is scrutinized, because it has a record of success of explaining what, how, and why core values generate their life themes. Its Authentic Life Theme Assessment (ALTA) travels that ontological-teleological road by asserting for the person, “I exist, I am unique, I have purpose and I make a difference.”

A theory is advanced about personal identity, along with proposed research and a way to validate the Voris method. All this occurs against the background of the Informing Science framework of communication.

Numerous disciplines are called upon, from applied psychology and philosophy, through physics, math, and zoology, to yield the field of discourse necessary for the identity problem resolution. Hopefully, interdisciplinary exploration, dialogue, and research will yield a new transdisciplinary “identity studies” programme.

[1] The John Voris Method employs a psychological framework to recognize the four primary Virtues of Humanity—Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power—and their role in shaping an individual's personality and life satisfaction. According to John Voris, gaining insight into these virtues and identifying one's predominant Life Theme can unveil a person's authentic essence and life purpose. This process provides valuable perspectives on happiness, meaning, purpose, and a sense of belonging.

[2] The Authentic Life Theme Assessment (ALTA) is a tool within the John Voris Method, aiming to identify a person's primary Life Theme based on the four major Virtues of Humanity—Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power. It helps reveal an individual's true essence and life purpose, offering insights into happiness, meaning, and belonging.

Thursday, March 28, 2024
Breaking Boundaries, Building Communities: The Transformative Role of Service Learning
Thursday, March 28, 2024 / 8:00 AM - 8:40 AM
Dr. Genejane M. Adarlo, Philippines
Ateneo de Manila University, Health Sciences Program.

Dr. Genejane M. Adarlo is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Health Sciences Program in Ateneo de Manila University. She has completed her Doctor of Medicine at the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center. She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include service learning, global citizenship, science education, and well-being.

Dr. Adarlo's research works focus on various scientific contributions, as evidenced by her publications and citations on platforms like ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and SelectedWorks. As a faculty member at Ateneo de Manila University, Dr. Adarlo plays a significant role in academia, contributing to the field of health sciences through her teaching and research activities

Dr. Genejane M. Adarlo's area of expertise includes service-learning, transformative learning, global citizenship education, science education, health education, and psychological well-being. She has a diverse background in education and health sciences, with a focus on service-learning methodologies and their impact on various aspects of education and community engagement.

Additionally, Dr. Adarlo's research interests extend to topics like comparative education, indigenous people rights, disaster risk management, and Ignatian leadership within the context of service-learning programs. Her academic contributions reflect a strong commitment to exploring the intersection of education, community development, and personal growth through innovative teaching approaches like service learning.


Service learning holds transformative potential in fostering transdisciplinary collaboration to address wicked problems in society, such as disparities in health and education. This method of teaching provides opportunities for students to apply their academic knowledge and skills to real-world issues in a way that goes beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. Specifically, it encourages students to communicate effectively across disciplines as part of cultivating a culture of collaboration and knowledge exchange. By breaking down these disciplinary barriers, students can be empowered to draw upon diverse perspectives and expertise to enrich their understanding of complex real-world problems and to enhance their ability to arrive at holistic solutions. Through active engagement with communities, students develop empathy, cultural competence, and deep appreciation of the interconnectedness of social issues. They contribute to building strong and inclusive communities in which individuals collaborate to address shared challenges. Ultimately, service learning transforms students into agents of change, bridging the gap between theory and practice to create meaningful impacts in society.

The Future of Generative AI Evaluated Using the New 9Cs Framework
Thursday, March 28, 2024 / 8:40 AM - 9:20 AM
Richard Self, LLM, UK
University of Derby, The School of Computing and Mathematics, Senior Lecturer in Governance of Advanced and Emerging Technologies.

Richard Self is a Senior Lecturer in Governance of Advanced and Emerging Technologies at the University of Derby in the UK. He gained his business background during 30 years at Rolls-Royce before changing to academia in 2002.

His approach to students is not to teach answers, rather he inspires, challenges, mentors and guides his students to find important questions and then how to research to find relevant answers for the specific context using interdisciplinary approaches. He guides the students into their own experiences in order to find the insightful questions that motivates them to their best work. His focus is on inspiring students to evaluate their personal and employability skills and then to develop their full range of skills in order to become the most employable graduates in the market. This is based on research into a range of teaching and assessment approaches that can demonstrate measurable improvements in their academic skills and in their transferable skills. This research is published at conferences and in journals.


Generative AI has taken the world by storm since 30 Nov 2022 with the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. There are many promises of amazing capabilities, the ability to answer questions with high-grade language that is highly convincing. It is suggested that it will replace search engines by providing the answer, rather than the searcher having to peruse several web pages and that can be developed into Artificial General Intelligence in the near future.

There are suggestions that Large Language Models will be able to act as advisors and decision-makers, even though they are language models and not knowledge models. It is claimed that by increasing the amount of training computation and the training corpus of training materials we will approach AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

We are seeing Generative AI in other fields like image and video generation and in various areas of STEM, such as the newly released Human Cell Biology system that identified a new cell that is responsible for increasing red blood cell production at altitude.

We need a framework of questions that can help us navigate the hype and claims, to critically evaluate the use of generative AI in any intended application, in order to identify the critical issues around questions of Ethics, Trust, and Governance of these technologies.

A new framework, similar to the traditional Vs of Big Data, will be launched during this presentation based on a collection of Cs that provides some of the most important questions that need to be considered in order to make the best choices for all business and academic sectors.

Exploring Cooperative Systems through the Lens of a Multi-Agent Paradigm: Foundations, Applications, and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Thursday, March 28, 2024 / 9:20 AM - 10:00 AM
Dr. Nathan Aky, France
University of Reunion Island, Mathematics and Computer Science Laboratory.

Dr. Nathan Aky, is an assistant professor (Temporary Research and Teaching Attaché) in Computer Science and Mathematics Laboratory and Sciences Faculty of Reunion Island University, in France. His doctoral studies were carried out under the joint supervision of the Reunions Island University (France) and the Sherbrooke University (Canada). His research in computer science focuses on modeling and problem solving using the multi-agent paradigm and knowledge-driven approaches. This work is then applied to several other fields, such as smart mobility in smart cities, and ambient systems dedicated to personal assistance. More recently, he has taken an interest in the use of video games in education.


Drawing inspiration from the cooperative nature observed in social entities like anthills, the notion of cooperative systems. This notion has evolved into a significant area of study within computer science and with the notion of a multi-agent paradigm that extended beyond conventional programming.

Nature-inspired modeling was applied for computer programming and its evolution supports or may support applications in other phenomena, including human systems as, for example, its application in Education.

The initial inspiration provided intellectual support for the modeling and design of systems that address challenges requiring coordination and communication among diverse components to achieve shared objectives.

This versatile paradigm finds applications across a spectrum of disciplines, serving as a valuable tool for simulating intricate physical or social phenomena, implementing distributed artificial intelligence, and constructing distributed expert systems. Its adaptability positions it as a computing paradigm applicable to a wide array of challenges spanning various fields.

Following a foundational exploration of this paradigm, our presentation will delve into its diverse applications across multiple disciplines. We will particularly emphasize its relevance in intelligent mobility, ambient assistance for individuals, video games, and education, showcasing its potential to foster transdisciplinary collaborations and address complex issues through innovative approaches.

Bringing Discipline into Transdisciplinary Communications -The ISO 56000 Family of Innovation Standards-
Thursday, March 28, 2024 / 1:00 PM - 1:40 PM
Professor William Swart, USA
East Carolina University, College of Business, Former Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs / Former Dean of Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Dr. William Swart is a Professor of Marketing and Supply Chain Management at East Carolina University. He received his BS in Industrial Engineering from the Clemson University and a PhD in Operations Research from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has held leadership positions in industry, including Corporate Vice President, and in academia, including Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. He is the recipient of a NASA/JFK Group Achievement Award, the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Operations Research Practice Award, and the Achievement in Operations Research Medal from the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS). He has authored over 100 research papers and 5 books including his latest: Practical Business Analytics: A Proven Approach Through Successful Personalized Learning published by Cognella, Inc.
Rick Fernandez, MS, USA
President of 20-20 Innovation, Inc.

Rick Fernandez is the President of 20-20 Innovation, Inc., headquartered in Tamarac, Florida. He is currently serving as the Chairman for the US TAG for TC-279 Innovation Management System that is developing the ISO 56000 series of standards. He received his BS in Industrial Engineering and an MS in Management Science from the University of Miami, Florida. He is a contributing author of Total Innovative Management Excellence (TIME): The Future of Innovation; a co-author of The Framework for Innovation published by Taylor and Francis Group. He has also published in numerous supply management publications such as the ISM Journal.

He has been an adjunct professor at a few South Florida Universities including NOVA in Engineering and Business Schools, as well as foreign Universities teaching Lean Six Sigma, Operations Management, Supply Management, and Quality courses.

Rick was a contributing author in the area of Innovation Measurement to the recent book “Total Innovative Management Excellence (TIME): The Future of Innovation”/ He co-authored a book on “The Framework for Innovation”. He is also the author of the book, Total Quality in Purchasing and Supplier Management, which was adopted by various universities as a textbook in their Supply Chain curriculum.


Trans Disciplinary Communication generates new knowledge that may lead to inventions which may be processed into innovations by ambidextrous organizations operating in a global innovation ecosystem. These ecosystems are comprised of global partnerships united by supply chains, financed by multinational institutions whose professional talent originates in universities. For these ecosystems to succeed, their individual components must operate as open systems shareable by each and developed according to a mutually agreed set of rules, or standards. In this plenary session, we will present the newly developed/developing ISO 56000 family of standards as serving to bring discipline into the global innovation system.

Beyond Status Quo: Why Is Transdisciplinary Communication Instrumental in Disruptive Innovation?
Thursday, March 28, 2024 / 1:40 PM - 2:20 PM
Cristo E. Yáñez-León, MSc., Ph.D. candidate, USA
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Director of Research, CSLA, Office of Research & Development.

In this role, Cristo manages the logistics of research programs as well as pre- and post-award actions for +100 active grants, overseeing the submission process of +200 proposals per year, serving as a liaison with the Office of Research, the College Dean, 6 departments, and over 110 faculty PIs.

Cristo’s experiences have included over 14 years in directive positions. Managing logistics, facilitating organizational development training, designing business innovation plans, and implementing innovation projects for organizations including NJIT, Northern Ocean Habitat for Humanity, Ocean County College, Monterrey Institute of Technology & Higher Education, and the University of Veracruz. Cristo also develops and facilitates courses for the Monterrey Institute of Technology & Higher Education “ITESM” in Latin America for C-Level executives of corporations including: KPMG, Chedraui Inc., Coca-Cola Femsa, PEMEX, Continental, Adelca, SemMaterials, and Adecco among others.

After completing his Master’s in Business Administration in 2015 with “Suma cum laude” he was awarded the “Generation Leader EXATEC 2021” title by the Monterrey Institute of Technology & Higher Education. Currently, he is a Ph.D. Graduate Student on Management and Innovation of Institutions, his research areas are Convergence, Innovation, Broadening Impact and Participation, Strategic Planning, Digital Marketing, and Business Storytelling.
Dr. James Lipuma, USA
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Director of the Collaborative for Leadership Education, and Assessment Research.

Dr. James Lipuma is a faculty member in the Humanities Department at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and director of the Collaborative for Leadership Education, and Assessment Research (CLEAR).

He holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University, an MS in Environmental Policy Studies and a PhD in Environmental Science from NJIT, and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching focused in Science Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. He conducts extensive research in digital learning, curriculum, and instructional design and is currently piloting online converged course delivery methods.

In his role as director, Dr. Lipuma has completed curriculum development, assessment design, program evaluation, and program design and development projects for public schools, universities, the NJ Department of Education, Us Department of Education, and the National Science Foundation. He has also taught more than 5,000 students in more than 200 courses in his 25 years at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has completed work on nearly $6M worth of grants including over $2.5M as lead Pi or CoPI as well as received over $250K worth of donations.

Legally blind since nine, Dr. Lipuma appreciates the need for positive change and works to promote broader participation for women and under-represented minorities in Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) as part of and other STEM Literacy projects he leads.


In an era of rapid technological advancements and complex societal challenges, the imperative for disruptive innovation has never been more acute. The International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics (IMCIC) 2024 serves as a confluence for thought leaders across the domains of Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics to explore the relationship between Transdisciplinary Communication (TDC) and disruptive innovation. This presentation highlights that TDC's unique toolkit complements and is crucial in bridging diverse fields of study. TDC is essential for fostering innovation that is capable of transcending traditional boundaries and instigating profound systemic change. Drawing upon various collaborative frameworks, including collaborative, network, and cooperative models, this keynote delves into organizational, collaborative, and social innovation dynamics. It underscores the limitations of the status quo, where incremental change and reform fall short of achieving significant impact. Through a discourse about systemic innovation, the keynote discusses ways to produce desired outcomes that achieve measurable impacts with positive social change. TDC acts as a force multiplier for disruptive innovation initiatives, enabling a departure from conventional solutions and embracing holistic, system-wide transformations. Moreover, the presentation explores the pivotal role of identity and complete disclosure in the innovation process, advocating for an environment where diverse voices are heard and instrumental in shaping change direction. This keynote maps the journey from a passive attendee to a fully invested leader of change. It highlights the macrosystemic impact of fostering a culture where transdisciplinary communication catalyzes disruptive innovation and offers a roadmap for tackling global challenges through unprecedented collaboration and creativity.

Artificial Intelligence in Transdisciplinary Communication for Digital Education
Thursday, March 28, 2024 / 2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Professor Rusudan Makhachashvili, Ukraine
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Head of Germanic Philology Department.

Professor Rusudan Makhachashvili is Doctor Habilitated, English and Spanish major, Head of Germanic Philology Department of Borys Grinchenko Kiyv University, Ukraine. Expert of individual grant projects evaluation for the European Commission Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Frameworks (MSCA Individual and Global Fellowships). Head of observer institution group for the Horizon 2020 project ELEXIS (European Lexicographic Infrastructure). Expert staff member of the 7th Framework of the European Commission Project IRNet (International Research Network for study and development of new tools and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences). Expert staff member of the International Study of Leadership Development in Higher Education (Calgary, Canada). Member of Advisory group of Oxford English Dictionary. Advisor for Ukrainian universities on the development of curricula for master's degree in e-government - Program by Estonian Foreign Ministry & Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), 2020. Expert of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine for e-learning platforms development (National School Online project). For 7 years, Rusudan Makhachashvili had served as a Vice-Dean for Research, before moving onto a position of the Head of Young Researchers Council to advance policy on interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial inquiry and best academic practices. Rusudan Makhachashvili was awarded the Ministry of Education Scholarship for outstanding research achievement.

Prof. Rusudan Makhachashvili is an academic supervisor of 15 successfully completed PhD theses on innovative social trends in digital communication and linguistic development in digital media. Editor in Chief of the Journal Synopsis: Text. Context. Media. Member of the Editorial boards of such journals as Open Educational E-environment of Modern University, International Journal of Research in E-learning, International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry.

Main academic interests include but are not limited to: interdisciplinary studies in Liberal Arts, digital education, digital humanities, e-society and e-governance, digital literacy development, cognitive and communicative linguistics, sociolinguistics.

Professor Rusudan Makhachashvili is the author of 17 books and over 200 published academic articles on a wide range of transdisciplinary topics covering the scope of research interests. Exemplary published works: Linguophilosophiс Parameters of English Innovations in Technosphere (UK, 2015), Models and Digital Diagnostics Tools for the Innovative Polylingual Logosphere of Computer Being Dynamics (Peter Lang, Berlin, 2020), ICT Tools and Practices for Final Qualification Assessment in the Framework of COVID-19 Lockdown (Poland, 2020), Digital Terraformation: Cyberspace Ontology, Anthropology, and Gnosis (Italy, 2021), Covid-19 context for meta assessment of digital learning on European and Oriental languages programs (USA, 2021), Linguistic Philosophy of Cyberspace (JSCI, USA, 2021).
Professor Ivan Semenist, Ukraine
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Dean of Oriental Languages Faculty.

Professor Ivan Semenist, PhD, is Dean of Oriental Languages Faculty, Director of Confucius Class and Associate Professor at Borys Grinchenko Kiyv University, Ukraine. Chairman of the Board of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Ukraine, Editor in Chief of Ukrainian Journal of Sinology Studies. Former Adviser to the Chairman of the Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government of the Supreme Council of Ukraine and CEO Services of Innovative Consulting Company L.L.C. (SIC Company).

He holds a M.A. with honors in World History from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine (2009). He received his Ph.D. in World History from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine (2013). Since 2015, have been working at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University of Kyiv. He is the author of more than 10 transdisciplinary B.A. and M.A. courses at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. He regularly supports students as supervisor of B.A, M.A. theses. Ivan Semenist was awarded the Kyiv Mayor's Prize for special achievements in academia, the First prize of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine and the Medal of Borys Grinchenko for outstanding achievement.

Professor Ivan Semenist Initiated Establishment of the first Center for China Studies in Ukraine and equipment of the cutting-edge e-leaning center for Oriental languages studies, initiated and organized a number of international scientific conferences, round tables, and seminars (in Cooperation with CASS): the International Round Table "Transformational Processes in Modern Society: Ukrainian-Chinese Context", International Scientific Conferences "Confucius School: Sources-History-Present", All-Ukrainian Seminar for Chinese Language Teachers, International Scientific Conference to the 5th Anniversary of the "Belt and Road Initiative".

Main academic interests include but are not limited to: oriental studies, interdisciplinary studies in Liberal Arts, oriental languages, cultural and linguistic-literary ties of Europe with the countries of the East, American studies, relations of Ukraine with the countries of the East.

Professor Ivan Semenist is author of 5 books and around a 100 published academic articles on a wide range of transdisciplinary topics covering the scope of research interests. Exemplary published works: Modern Chinese Society -New Perspectives: New research between China and Ukraine scientists (Social Sciences Academic Press, China 2017), Japan's New Role In The World: The Discussion Of Early 1990's (Ukraine 2016), ICT Tools and Practices for Final Qualification Assessment in the Framework of COVID-19 Lockdown (Poland, 2020), Covid-19 context for meta assessment of digital learning on European and Oriental languages programs (USA, 2021), Interdisciplinarity and Skills Development in Final Qualification Assessment: Survey Study for European and Oriental Languages Programs (JSCI, USA, 2021).


As a product of modern civilization, the digital reality has become an independent format of being. Accordingly, electronic media act not only as a means of transmitting information, but also reveal their own world-creating, meaning-making and, as a consequence, communicative potential. The global digital realm stands as an integral environment, demanding new cognition and perception ways via complex philosophic, cultural, social, linguistic approaches, providing unlimited opportunities for human intellect, communicative development and research.

The seminal overview of meta-trends, changing the world by Snyder identified universal connectivity as a transcendent premise of technological trends development. Through the span of the following predictive Global Trends frameworks, provide the hindsight in the lens through which technological growth and advances features in the global development trendsetting. The sub-trend of the technological society development is manifested through the elaboration of an interdisciplinary paradigm of Digital Humanities – a diverse, open for augmentation, transdisciplinary range of areas of knowledge, applied activities and education in Arts and Humanities, centered on digital adaptation, production, processing, manipulation and dissemination of relevant thematic content: Digital history; Digital philology; Digital art; Digital education; Digital sociology; Digital music etc. Transformative shifts in the knowledge economy of the XXI century, Industry 4.0 (AI-powered technologies and production) and corresponding stages of Web technology development (from Web 2.0 – social media interaction, to Web 3.0 – Internet of things, to Web 4.0 – machine learning powered interaction, LLMs, to Web 5.0 – intelligent personal agents), development and elaboration of networked society and new media ecology, emergency digitization due to quarantine measures and the ongoing warfare have imposed pressing revisions onto interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial job market demands.

Taking into account the context of the erupted military intervention on Ukraine (2022-2024), and the ensuing information warfare in various digital ambient (social media, news coverage, digital communications), the specific value is allocated to the enhanced role of digital humanism as a tool of the internationally broadcast strife for freedom and sovereignty. For the first time in modern history the full inventory of interconnected areas of digital humanities (from fact-checking via digital archives, to AI-powered content distribution algorithms and fake-news detection, to viral blogging and SMM, to big data processing and sociological analysis, to corpus analysis and computer assisted translation, digitally enhanced logistics coordination etc.) are implemented to achieve maximum advantage in the information warfare waged both on the cyberfront and in actuality. This development clearly heralds the branching out of digital humanities into new, undercharted areas of AI-enhanced military digital humanities and digital peacekeeping, digital diplomacy.

Communication is considered as a factor of interoperability of source and target knowledge as well as transdisciplinary domains of application of language and technologies. The proposed model reveals the nature of communicative interaction in the digital environment in the following main dimensions: 1) EXODISCIPLINARY DIMENSION - compatibility of a) a person and the digital environment (augmented reality, mixed reality); b) people and digital objects; 2) ENDODISCIPLINARY DIMENSION – compatibility of a) a person as a subject and another subject in the digital environment; b) human and digital simulacra (virtual reality); 3) EXTRADISCIPLINARY DIMENSION – compatibility of a) a person as a subject of communication and generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT, Bard or other large language models) as a subject of communication or a source of cross-domain data; b) human and post-human subjects of communication (Web 5.0 technologies).

Subsequently, the network communication patterns in digital education follow the general typology of Web communication (Web X.0 scheme), distributed across two axes – X-content orientation and axes Y – types of skills involved. Overall, the network communication in digital education is actualized through such dimensions: 1) Data-centric, soft-skills oriented (Web 3.0 type); 2) Data-centric, hard skills oriented (Web 4.0 type); 3) Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-centric, soft-skills oriented (Web. 2.0 type); 4) Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-centric, hard skills oriented (Web. 5.0 type).

TRANSDISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATION OF STAKEHOLDERS IN DIGITAL EDUCATION as a trend is manifested, primarily, through the ambidirectional shifts in human to machine interaction in education. The subsequent result is the introduction of Artificial Intelligence solutions in education as an alternative form of educational communication subjects – from limited in scope and complexity to sophisticated and communicatively independent: Chat-bots; Gamification of educational tasks; AI Teacher Assistant (LMS); AI learning companion; Educational robots.

AI enhancement of the learning stakeholders and communicative components informs transformations in other components of educational communication, namely the elaboration of machine learning powered mixed reality learning environments and content, such as: AUGMENTED REALITY; VIRTUAL REALITY; ANNOTATED REALITY, MIXED REALITY.

Trans-disciplinary and cross-referencial integration between the corresponding skillsets, henceforth, constitutes a meta-framework of digital educational communication. The transdisciplinary integration of communication in digital education could be referred to the following key interdisciplinary domains: DIGITAL EDUCATION; DIGITAL CONTENT; INTEROPERABLE DIGITAL MEDIA; DIGITAL COMMUNICATION; DIGITAL SKILLS; DIGITAL OUTCOMES.

Taking into account the nature of suggested modelling of educational communication across frameworks of complex skills, it is stipulated that META-disciplinarity has become the universal vehicle or framework of education in the digital realm, whereas TRANS-disciplinarity can be perceived as a universal output of educational communication in the digital realm. Consequently, the communicative dimension of education proper acquires a meta-digital and trans-digital (transcendent digital) properties. The trans-digital characteristics of educational communication are ensured through the interoperability of such framework parameters as: Interaction, Disciplinarity, Learning.

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